As mentioned earlier, the “uncivilized cultures” like Sawi has to have chance to be informed of other cultures and be able to choose according to their own will. In our standard, “uncivilized” Sawi people are living in a harsh conditions without what we considered to be essentials in our lives; stable shelter, proper food, and clothing. Thus, we should not neglect those people whose population is steadily declining as they continue to practice cannibalism and exposed to dangerous environment like diseases. In order to keep trace of the cultures like Sawi, we need to accommodate and convince them to live under the protection of the recent technology that we are offering them. However, we should never force them to adapt into our own way because they have their distinctive way of living by adjusting in that wild envrionment. Thus, we only need to accept those who are willing to change and not obstruct their originial way of living.
Hello~ "James"
This is Joseph and you have pretty much similar thought as mine except "never forcing sawi to adapt to change"
Why do you think that we only need to accept those who are willing to change?
As time passes, probably no wild cultures could stay forever. If there was still a barbaric culture in this world, do you think that it could stay barbaric forever or do you think it will change anyway?
lol, Joseph zz when did you see that!
Thank you for the insightful comment! But Joseph, I think we should not "force" anyone to a certain belief. Although, faith is largely shaped by the external factors, it depends on individuals whether they will grow their faith within their heart or seek for other faith. Additionally, it contradicts the very foundation of our democracy. Our modern democracy calls for freedom of speech and religion. However, if we try to force people who are "uncivilized" as Sawi into believing our faith, we are contradicting our own democracy by taking their freedom of religion. Furthermore, we are unconsciously alleging that we are superior that their culture. However, I believe no one is superior to any others in God's eyes. Thus, we should never force anyone. Additionally, you made a good point that Sawi has many dangerous factors like diseases, cannibalism that leads to the declining of their population, but whether they would change their cultures or not largely depends on the minds of the tribes. If they truly believe in God, they would change the way of living, if they don’t, they would continue to live in their own ways.
The best way to regard the “uncivilized” is to never look at them as “uncivilized,” but rather with respect and understanding. Society should abolish any obstacles that may stand in the way of those “uncivilized” from transforming into what we consider “civilized.” Such obstacles include prejudice, unnecessary condescending attitude, and lack of understanding due to immense cultural difference. It is after these obstacles are taken care of, when the “uncivilized” will see our culture with clarity.
Yeah, I feel the same way about not forcing other cultures to conform to our "correct" culture. I feel that just need to show them our world, our society gradually so that one day when the earth starts running out of room, they won't be shocked into a coma. I think it's a no brainer that we should "accomammodate and convince them to live under the protection of the recent technology" but the problem is how? Any ideas?
hi, HongYUEN :D
I think you offered a different solution than what I read from everybody else. To summarize, you said that we should give them help, but not force them to obey our cultures. Many people (including me -_-) said that they should just be left alone, however, even I find flaws in my own argument, because it would be a threat to leave the Sawi alone (since the population is low and they can go extinct...)
However, wouldn't helping these tribes with our technology in some ways mean that we are trying to help them with something from our culture? I'm a little confused...;;kkk
hey! You purposely spelled my name wrong~
..sorry that i spelled your name first...
It would be inhumane to leave the Sawi in ignorance and our inaction will enable them to continue to destroy one another. I think if the victims of the cannibalism could talk they would be horrified that the world stood by and watched. Mrs.Mc.
hi hongyuan =] yes you are right. we shouldnt look at them as uncivilized people but look at them as people who have different way of livving from us. As we introduce our "civilized" way of life, if they accept it, that is when we help them. If we force them our way of living saying it is better and civilized, it is not respecting them.
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